Request for Comment: Shared Design Principles for Creating and Deploying Regulatory Methods
WARNING: Blue sky thinking ahead
Keywords: collection, modelling, prediction, classification, forecast, assessment, scenario
TL:DR - To get a flavour of running multiple classification tools using a shared interface and data structures - check out the hera demo website GUI
1 Summary
We propose regulatory tools share a common set of design principles, interfaces and data structures.
Specifically, we propose an official collection of R packages designed to provide collaborative workflow for building and using assessment tools. In turn, these packages will be unified into a single package called ‘hera’. This provides a common interface to run regulatory assessments. We expect this process will facilitate code re-use, faster integration and knowledge exchange between method developers and practitioners.
2 Motivation
UKTAG has guided the development of an impressive range of classification tools. This has involved many developers, researchers and experts dedicating their time and effort to creating tools to better understand pressures on the environment. We are confident that there are many future opportunities for collaboration and tool development in response to changing environmental pressures and improving scientific understanding. As access to modelling tools become more routine, we expect a proliferation of models and indices in the years ahead. For instance, new tools for diagnosing pressures, updates to existing tools and catchment scale planning. To aid better understanding of the environment through effectively combining multiple models and tools, we propose they share a common design philosophy to aid integration and collaboration.
3 Key Ideas
The aims of a shared design philosophy for regulatory classification R packages include:
- Create a single user interfaces, similar data formats and operating procedures.
- Allow outputs from multiple tools to be quickly generated and combined together.
- Shorten the time between development and integration into Agencies systems.
- Clearer path for researcher engagement and model development.
- Make it easier to share and re-use code between tools for common functions.
- Share data quality standards and data validation code.
- Apply similar approaches to code review, testing and documentation.
3.1 Preparing for future
In the next 10 years…
We assume it is likely that our aquatic ecological models will be subsumed into a more large scale environmental and climate models. These ‘total environment’ models may for instance use climate change models to forecast impact on invertebrates, water-use models to predict the impact on fish or spatial planning tools the impact on nutrient levels. The outputs will be used across regulatory reporting for RBMP, flood management, biodiversity improvements, carbon sequestering etc. Allowing multi-discipline assessment of impacts and trade-offs for each planning scenario and proposed measures - ensuring well-informed decisions-making.
All ecological data along with supporting data such as chemistry, climate, meteorological, geological, and satellite imagery, will be freely and easily accessible. We assume agencies will upload all data such as fish counter data, plant DNA or aerial imagery etc, into a ‘lake’ of environmental data.
To take step towards this vision, the underlying design of a models and tools must be modular and easy to connect and integrate in a variety of ways.
4 Detailed Design
To aid collaboration and respond to the changing environmentally pressures, we propose creating a joint collections of packages to share understanding on the environment while providing the software infrastructure to lighten the burden of more mundane tasks involved in maintaining and deploying new models and interfaces.
This proposal is influenced by the work within the climate change research community such as the Climate Modelling and Diagnostics Toolkit, the MET office’s unified model approach. As well as best software practices such as on-going work in the R community such as ropenSci and research projects such as the Virtual Observatory.
4.1 Shared Packages
Currently we have a number of classification tool R packages shared on github:
We propose these tools become part of official collection of packages
and we work towards making them inter-operable via the hera
4.2 Key Steps
Here we introduce a prototype R package called hera. The key idea, is
provides a common interface for existing WFD packages
and future developments. This is achieved through a set of shared
functions required to run and report classification. It builds on the
best practice idea of how to run many models
simultaneously in R while keeping the input and output data formats
simple and homogeneous. We explain each function in detail below. In
summary, each step represents a function within the hera package. This
allows the re-use code and rules between existing and future tool
1. Validation 2. Indices/metrics 3. Assessment 4. Reporting
The examples below illustrative of how this RFC could be implemented. Keep in mind these examples are not full, complete or accurate. The data structure, naming and details could all change, they are presented as a rough draft.
4.2.1 Validation
- Firstly, sense-check the predictor and observation data is with expect limits and formatting rules.
- Additionally, validation could check the data is within the expect parameter space based on training data used to create the classification model.
The validation()
function will returns the passing data
and list of warnings/fails.
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("ecodata1/hera")
demo_data <- hera::demo_data
data <- validation(demo_data)
data[5, ]
# A tibble: 1 × 21
location_id location_description easting northing latitude longitude
<chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 8175 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging … 341452 715796 56.3 -2.95
# ℹ 15 more variables: date_taken <dttm>, sample_id <chr>, question <chr>,
# response <chr>, mean_alkalinity <dbl>, grid_reference <chr>,
# standard <chr>, quality_element <chr>, water_body_id <dbl>, label <fct>,
# dist_from_source <dbl>, slope <dbl>, source_altitude <dbl>,
# parameter <chr>, year <dbl>
4.2.2 Assess
Using the assess()
function, we can calculate as
required: 1. Indices/Metrics (summary stats) 2.
Predictions (output from models) 3.
Classification/Reports (assessments combining summary and prediction
The ‘assessment’ stage includes any type of index, test or categorisation of our data. This could be WFD classification, compliance check, bathing water or discharge assessment. Broadly, any type of grading or assessment.
By default the assess()
function we run all the
assessments possible based on the data provided.
r data %>% assess() %>% select(sample_id, question, response) %>% slice_sample(n = 4)
Alternatively, we can select a list of specific assessments from the
to run as required.
# A tibble: 2 × 1
1 Macroinvertebrate Metrics
data %>%
assess(name = c("Macroinvertebrate Metrics","DARLEQ3")) %>%
select(sample_id, question, response) %>%
slice_sample(n = 4)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
sample_id question response
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1419451 lake_TYPE HA
2 3294945 SPEAR class TL2 Good
3 1101214 Riverfly ASPT 2.33333333333333
4 621928 EPSI Score TL2 77.6726304894278 Assessment Reports
The catalogue
can contain complex reporting assessments
that compile, group and presents one or more assessment output. For
instance running and presenting a number of WFD assessments, grouping by
water body and hierarchy for a River Basin Management Plan.
assess(demo_data, 'rbmp_report') Diagnosis
As well as classification of water quality, additional we need to
diagnose potential pressures. Again, we can add a assessment to the
for diagnostic reporting. We use the
function to build a custom report to help diagnose
potential pressures.
assess(demo_data, 'diagnose_wfd_pressures') %>%
select(sample_id, question, response)
head() Aggegation
To facilitate general data exploration, an aggregate
helper function can group the outputs by season, year, multi-year or
water body as required. This allows a standard way to aggregate data
within the hera
aggregate <- aggregate(demo_data, c("year","season","waterbody"))
head(class) Compare
A compare
helper function allows generic comparison
between years, locations or samples to allow general data analysis and
compare_report <- compare(new_data, old_data)
Another, example of comparing two samples (perhaps up and downstream):
compare_report <- compare(site_one, site_two)
compare_report Scenarios
A number of forecasting or scenario tools could be incorporated for either projecting current trends or assessing the impact of proposed measures.
assess(demo_data, trends, scenario="wfd_forecast") %>%
assess(demo_data, measures, scenario="measure_impact") %>%
4.2.3 The Whole Game
For the most part we don’t expect users to go through each of these
steps. But for developers and researchers it is useful to think about
classification within this framework of discrete steps. For the majority
of end users, agency staff or consultants, they can open the GUI
or visit the website directly.
Furthermore, agencies can integrate these functions into their systems using web services. Please see the demo web service and api documentation for using opencpu hosted packages.
4.3 Lots of Datasets - one underlying data structure?
Models rely on observed sampling for training. Samples come in a range of forms from points, transects, images, grabs, DNA etc. But the general feature of modelling is based on being able to predict what we expect to find from whatever sampling technique we deploy. The sample is the fundamental observation which we compare against our prediction. The samples are discreet, either observed instantaneously or perhaps over a few minutes or hours (where dynamic changes are not significant).
Multiple samples can be aggregated to smooth variance but the sample still remains the fundamental building block. The sample could be a single pixel from an aerial image or a salmon moving through a fish counter. We still make predictions of what we expect this sample to be like even if the true picture only emerges after several samples are aggregated or compared.
Therefore, all our data share similarities, they consist of samples and observations. And additionally each sample will have predictor variables to allow us to predict expected reference values or outcomes.
4.3.1 Data dictionary
There are a number of data dictionaries, metadata standards and semantic data definition across disciplines and organisations. It’s unclear exactly how we define our input and output datasets. Therefore, we propose using common definition and standards where possible. In a similar way to the climate model communities use of the Climate and Forecast Standard Names.
The Europe Environment Agency has produced a data dictionary for reporting. However, this is mainly for high-level reporting. In particular, taxonomic results are not exchanged using this data structure. However, we use some aspects of this standard within hera to aid onward reporting to EEA.
4.3.2 What does this look like?
A small sample demo dataset demo_data
contains diatoms,
macrophytes and inverts quality elements.
# A tibble: 5 × 4
# Groups: quality_element [5]
location_description date_taken sample_id quality_element
<fct> <dttm> <chr> <chr>
1 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging St… 2017-07-20 12:15:00 3256506 Algal_RQB
2 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging St… 2013-10-09 13:29:00 2355899 Alien Species
3 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging St… 2017-09-21 10:00:00 3294945 Comment
4 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging St… 2009-04-15 12:54:00 1250462 Diatom Summary
5 River Eden @ Kemback Gauging St… 2014-10-02 12:30:00 2632159 Diatom Survey …
4.3.3 Book-keeping variables
First of all, we have ‘book-keeping’ variables. These allow us to reference data associated with particular samples, locations or WFD methods. And allow results to be aggregate at different levels.
# A tibble: 5 × 4
location_id sample_id date_taken quality_element
<chr> <chr> <dttm> <chr>
1 8175 3256506 2017-07-20 12:15:00 Macrophyte Reach Survey
2 8175 3256506 2017-07-20 12:15:00 Macrophyte Reach Survey
3 8175 3256506 2017-07-20 12:15:00 Macrophyte Reach Survey
4 8175 3256506 2017-07-20 12:15:00 Macrophyte Reach Survey
5 8175 3256506 2017-07-20 12:15:00 Macrophyte Reach Survey
All data passed into hera must have these four variables. For ad
hoc reporting, consultancies and students etc who don’t routinely
record unique sample ids, a sample_id is generate if
and location_id
are provided.
These three variables are the minimal required, but in practice
maybe required for aggregation or simply
or NGR
etc to help
reference sites more easily. There is no restriction to the number of
extra columns and these extra columns will be appended to outputs.
4.3.4 Observations
An observation consists of three variables question
. The question
variable identifies
what is being determined such as alkalinity
etc. And the response
is the value
observed or recorded for that question.
Below is an example of diatom records, invert data and river flow in a shared input format.
# A tibble: 7,106 × 2
question response
<chr> <chr>
1 Site altitude 7
2 Source altitude 210
3 nems alkalinity 118.8889
4 Mean alkalinity 118.8889
5 nems slope 2.6000
6 Slope 2.6000
7 Dist to source 36.4
8 Site NGR NO 41452 15796
9 Easting 341452
10 Northing 715796
# ℹ 7,096 more rows
In theory, this is all that is required. However for ease for
interacting with existing datasets and ad hoc data, a third
column label
is useful due to the historic way taxon data
is usually stored.
# A tibble: 5 × 3
question response label
<chr> <chr> <fct>
1 Taxon abundance 1 Hydropsychidae
2 Taxon abundance 50 Oligochaeta
3 BMWP Score 7.0 Rhyacophilidae
4 TDLR 3 Nitzschia sp.
5 Plant functional group 0 Didymodon
4.3.5 Predictors
Predictive variables such as temperature
, slope
are added as additional
columns. There is a trade-off here as predictor variables are added for
each row in the dataset, increasing the size of the dataset. However
this does make data analysis straightforward and this repeated data can
be easily compressed if size becomes an issue. For instance, nested JSON
data or dataframes in R.
# A tibble: 7,106 × 3
mean_alkalinity grid_reference slope
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 75 NO 41452 15796 2
2 75 NO 41452 15796 2
3 75 NO 41452 15796 2
4 75 NO 41452 15796 2
5 75 NO 41452 15796 2
6 75 NO 41452 15796 2
7 75 NO 41452 15796 2
8 75 NO 41452 15796 2
9 75 NO 41452 15796 2
10 75 NO 41452 15796 2
# ℹ 7,096 more rows
4.4 Data Input
For students and consultancies requiring ad hoc usage, templates and documentation for preparing data will be provided.
For Agencies, data queries can be written to prepare outputs in the correct format.
For instance, here is a prototype function to pull data Environment
Agency’s web service and convert to the required
input format.
environment_agency_data <- hera:::get_data(location_id = c(43378, 92751))
We can then run this EA data through hera
4.5 Shared Data Tables
Following data tables are shared through hera
- Validation Rules
- Indices, Model and Environmental Standards
- Taxon Table
- EQR / assessment / compliance boundaries
- Parameter Hierarchy
4.6 Model platform
This RFC is mainly looking at a share design for inputs and outputs from classification tools.
This framework does however encourage a shared principles in thinking about the approach to modelling required which drives the classification method. However, we see no need to prescribe a modelling program or software. Researchers can download the reference and predictor data required and use any software they desire. Ultimately, the model we need to be called by R. So either the model needs to be written into R or in language which can be called by R (Python, fortran, C++ etc).
Alternatively, if researchers can’t provide an api for R to call, the recommendation is to use R - which integrates more directly into the pipeline.
Once modelling is completed, the model object is saved and deployed. Any existing or future data collected using the platform will be run through the model at the sample level.
Researchers can then build tools to display and aggregate the sample level results as required (Waterbody, Year, Catchment etc). Where it would be possible to share techniques for producing Confidence of Class, assessment of data suitability and adjustment factors etc.
5 How We Teach This
As new regulatory developments and updates requirements are identified, the lead contacts from the agencies and method developers are ‘on-boarded’ to demonstrate the design principles and collaborative framework of packages. Where skill development is required further training can be provided, or additional external or internal support from the agency commissioning the work.
A workshop for lead data experts / R coders from each agency delivers institutional knowledge on how internally developed tools will fit with the shared design philosophy as well as setting expectations for collaboration with external researchers.
5.1 Sharing
Hera allows multiple ecological elements to be assessed through the same interface. But not just the interface is shared. Other areas of the infrastructure are shared including:
- Reporting and comparison tools can also be shared between multiple elements.
- Validation checks and other universally required mechanisms are shared and easily configurable for new models/methods.
- Testing infrastructure.
- Confidence of class and data suitability algorithms.
5.2 Organisation
All UKTAG sub-groups and their nominated leads in the devolved agencies would contribute new method develops and tools to the shared collection of packages. Where tools are agency specific, these could also make use of the platform if required.
As agencies commission new tools to be developed, researchers can upload their predictive variables, reference data and models into a central repo for easier collaboration.
6 Alternatives
Status Quo - Future development takes the form of bespoke, custom code in self-contained R packages or Excel spreadsheets. No code re-use, collaboration or consistency against tools/metrics/assessments.
Other computational document standards such as Python Julia, JS based Jupiter or Quarto documents. Currently, most of our code is either Excel or R based. We wish to avoid re-writing R code into other languages. But this doesn’t preclude future developments using other languages or computational document standards.
Web assembly - Compile our R, Python, Julia, C++ etc into widely supported Web Assembly language for fast use within web browser (on or offline). This is only at a prototype stage in R and Python and many existing libraries cannot compile to Web Assembly. Possibly in future this may be an option. But current tools for integrating and combining languages provide broad enough consistency/compatibility even if a back-end server is required. Requiring a back-end server can impact offline or native usage in some situations such on mobile devices. For instance, R only supports MacOS, Linux and Windows. R isn’t officially supported to run locally/natively on Android or iOS. On these devices, R must run in a web server and requires mobile/wifi signal to communicate with the device. Using Web Assembly in future may avoid the need for web-server for mobile / offline devices.
7 Unresolved Questions
- Should all reference/predictor data be combined into a single repository / web service?
8 Appendix
8.1 List of Current Data Structures in R packages
8.1.1 FCS2 tool
Demo input data format (truncated) and full list of column names
DataHeldBy SiteCode Repeat.check SiteName
1 EA 525052 NA N 13809
2 EA 507441 NA Y 13810
3 EA 525051 NA N 34611
4 EA 122881 NA Y 5435
Site.description ...
1 13809 ...
2 13810 ...
3 34611 ...
4 5435 ...
[1] #DataHeldBy# #SiteCode#
[3] #Repeat.check#
[5] #SiteName# #Site.description#
[7] #Easting# #Northing#
[9] #NGR# #SurveyDate#
[11] #WBId# #WBName#
[13] #NumberOfRuns# #SurveyArea#
[15] #WetWidth# #Slope#
[17] #BarrierType# #ImpassableBarriers#
[19] #Sense.check.passed.# #CatchmentAreaUpstream#
[21] #CatchmentDrainageDirection# #GeologyClass#
[23] #Altitude# #DistanceFromSource#
[25] #DistanceToSea# #AnnualMeanFlow#
[27] #AlkalinityValue# #TotalPValue#
[29] #DOCValue# #SuspendedSolidsValue#
[31] #IOH.hydrometric.area# #HydrometricAreaNo#
[33] #LandUse.AgriculturalAreas# #LandUse.ConiferousForests#
[35] #LandUse.Wetlands# #Substrate.Small#
[37] #Substrate.Large# #Substrate.Bedrock#
[39] #Salmon_fry.Run1Total# #Salmon_fry.Run2Total#
[41] #Salmon_fry.Run3Total# #Salmon_fry.Run4Total#
[43] #Salmon_parr.Run1Total# #Salmon_parr.Run2Total#
[45] #Salmon_parr.Run3Total# #Salmon_parr.Run4Total#
[47] #Trout_fry.Run1Total# #Trout_fry.Run2Total#
[49] #Trout_fry.Run3Total# #Trout_fry.Run4Total#
[51] #Trout_parr.Run1Total# #Trout_parr.Run2Total#
[53] #Trout_parr.Run3Total# #Trout_parr.Run4Total#
WBName ...
1 EA 03/09/2015 525052 13809 10675 ...
2 EA 04/09/2015 507441 13810 10675 White Esk (u/s Rae Burn) ...
3 EA 03/09/2015 525051 34611 10676 ...
4 EA 01/09/2015 122881 5435 10676 Garwald Water ...
[1] #DataHeldBy#
[2] #SurveyDate#
[3] #SiteCode#
[4] #SiteName#
[5] #WBId#
[6] #WBName#
[7] #All species WB EQR Bad %#
[8] #All species WB EQR Poor %#
[9] #All species WB EQR Moderate %#
[10] #All species WB EQR Good %#
[11] #All species WB EQR High %#
[12] #All species WB EQR mean#
[13] #All species survey EQR Bad %#
[14] #All species survey EQR Poor %#
[15] #All species survey EQR Moderate %#
[16] #All species survey EQR Good %#
[17] #All species survey EQR High %#
[18] #All species survey EQR mean#
[19] #Salmon_fry WB EQR mean#
[20] #Salmon_fry survey EQR mean#
[21] #Salmon_fry observed total catch#
[22] #Salmon_fry probability present#
[23] #Salmon_fry expected total catch if present#
[24] #Salmon_fry expected total catch#
[25] #Salmon_parr WB EQR mean#
[26] #Salmon_parr survey EQR mean#
[27] #Salmon_parr observed total catch#
[28] #Salmon_parr probability present#
[29] #Salmon_parr expected total catch if present#
[30] #Salmon_parr expected total catch#
[31] #Trout_fry WB EQR mean#
[32] #Trout_fry survey EQR mean#
[33] #Trout_fry observed total catch#
[34] #Trout_fry probability present#
[35] #Trout_fry expected total catch if present#
[36] #Trout_fry expected total catch#
[37] #Trout_parr WB EQR mean#
[38] #Trout_parr survey EQR mean#
[39] #Trout_parr observed total catch#
[40] #Trout_parr probability present#
[41] #Trout_parr expected total catch if present#
[42] #Trout_parr expected total catch#
8.1.2 Darleq Tool
Input data for DARLEQ3 tool is a list of dataframes. Here’s an example of input data format (truncated) and full list of column names
AC023A AC083A AC143A AC161A AC9999 AD009A AM001A AM004A ...
SPR001 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.31348 0.000000 0 ...
AUT001 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.000000 0 ...
SPR002 0.332226 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.332226 0 ...
AUT002 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.000000 0 ...
[1] "AC023A" "AC083A" "AC143A" "AC161A" "AC9999" "AD009A" "AM001A" "AM004A"
[9] "AM011A" "AM012A" "AM013A" "AM084A" "AM9999" "AP001A" "AS001A" "AS003A"
[17] "AU003A" "AU9999" "BR001A" "BR9999" "CA002A" "CA9999" "CC9999" "CI002A"
[25] "CI005A" "CL001A" "CM004A" "CM006A" "CM007A" "CM009A" "CM013A" "CM022A"
[33] "CM038A" "CM041A" "CM9999" "CN001A" "CO001A" "CO001B" "CO001C" "CO005A"
[41] "CO010A" "CO9999" "CV001A" "CV005A" "CY003A" "CY011A" "CY019A" "CY9999"
[49] "DD001A" "DE001A" "DP007A" "DP012A" "DP9999" "DT003A" "DT004A" "DT010A"
[57] "DT021A" "DT022A" "DT9999" "EC001A" "EL001A" "EP9999" "EU002A" "EU009A"
[65] "EU009C" "EU047A" "EU070A" "EU9999" "EY003A" "EY004A" "EY005A" "EY011A"
[73] "EY015A" "EY016A" "EY017A" "EY9999" "FA021A" "FF001A" "FF002A" "FF9999"
[81] "FR007A" "FR007C" "FR008A" "FR009A" "FR009B" "FR019A" "FR026A" "FR9999"
[89] "FU001A" "FU002A" "FU037A" "GO001A" "GO003A" "GO004A" "GO006A" "GO013A"
[97] "GO013C" "GO019A" "GO023A" "GO023B" "GO024C" "GO027A" "GO029A" "GO050A"
[105] "GO052A" "GO055A" "GO066A" "GO9999" "GY001A" "GY005A" "HA001A" "HN001A"
[113] "LU001A" "LU003A" "MA9999" "ME015A" "MR001A" "MR001B" "NA003A" "NA007A"
[121] "NA008A" "NA009A" "NA021A" "NA023A" "NA026A" "NA027A" "NA030A" "NA035A"
[129] "NA037A" "NA042A" "NA051A" "NA054A" "NA063A" "NA066A" "NA080A" "NA084A"
[137] "NA095A" "NA112A" "NA114A" "NA124A" "NA134A" "NA433A" "NA433D" "NA462A"
[145] "NA675A" "NA745A" "NA751A" "NA764A" "NA768A" "NA9999" "NE008A" "NI002A"
[153] "NI005A" "NI006A" "NI008A" "NI009A" "NI010A" "NI014A" "NI015A" "NI017A"
[161] "NI021A" "NI024A" "NI025A" "NI027A" "NI028A" "NI031A" "NI033A" "NI034A"
[169] "NI042A" "NI043A" "NI044A" "NI046A" "NI049A" "NI052A" "NI065A" "NI080A"
[177] "NI099A" "NI110A" "NI152A" "NI164B" "NI166A" "NI171A" "NI198A" "NI199A"
[185] "NI212A" "NI9999" "PE002A" "PI014A" "PI9999" "PS001A" "RC002A" "RE001A"
[193] "SA003A" "SA012A" "SL001A" "SL002A" "SR001A" "SR002A" "SS002A" "SS003A"
[201] "ST001A" "ST9999" "SU001A" "SU032A" "SU073A" "SU9999" "SY001A" "SY003A"
[209] "SY004A" "SY004B" "SY013A" "SY043A" "TA001A" "TA002A" "TE003A" "TF003A"
[217] "TF015A" "TF9999" "TH038A" "TU003A" "UN9994" "UN9995" "YH001A" "ZZZ834"
[225] "ZZZ835" "ZZZ842" "ZZZ844" "ZZZ846" "ZZZ847" "ZZZ852" "ZZZ859" "ZZZ866"
[233] "ZZZ869" "ZZZ871" "ZZZ872" "ZZZ885" "ZZZ887" "ZZZ888" "ZZZ893" "ZZZ895"
[241] "ZZZ896" "ZZZ897" "ZZZ900" "ZZZ901" "ZZZ905" "ZZZ907" "ZZZ908" "ZZZ910"
[249] "ZZZ911" "ZZZ912" "ZZZ920" "ZZZ921" "ZZZ922" "ZZZ923" "ZZZ926" "ZZZ927"
[257] "ZZZ939" "ZZZ941" "ZZZ949" "ZZZ953" "ZZZ980" "ZZZ982" "ZZZ985" "ZZZ986"
[265] "ZZZ987"
[1] "SampleID" "SiteID" "SAMPLE_DATE" "Alkalinity" "Stream"
[6] "Reach"
Output (list of dataframes)
SPR001 41 12.39 16.93 55.60483 68.49447
AUT001 23 3.09 51.57 70.01608 68.49447
SPR002 55 13.14 20.93 70.66666 69.28261
AUT002 39 7.69 26.91 66.08840 69.28261
SPR003 39 9.37 27.30 50.40770 65.48689
AUT003 32 5.87 37.14 39.65652 65.48689
43 0.00 20.41 98.43 1.57 1.57
33 0.00 39.91 96.99 3.01 3.01
42 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
41 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
36 0.21 87.48 12.56 87.44 12.56
35 0.00 28.74 86.12 13.88 13.88
[1] "TDI5LM"
[1] 100
[1] 100
[1] 265
[1] 265
8.1.3 RICT
Here’s an example of input data format (truncated) and full list of column names
SITE Waterbody Year NGR Easting Northing Altitude Slope ...
1 MYR-GB-01-R Waterbody name 2016 SE 94200 91000 60 2.7 ...
2 MYR-GB-01-R Waterbody name 2017 SE 94200 91000 60 2.7 ...
3 MYR-GB-01-R Waterbody name 2018 SE 94200 91000 60 2.7 ...
4 MYR-GB-05-R Waterbody name 2016 TL 92100 27200 15 1.3 ...
[1] "SITE" "Waterbody"
[3] "Year" "NGR"
[5] "Easting" "Northing"
[7] "Altitude" "Slope"
[9] "Discharge" "Velocity"
[11] "Dist_from_Source" "Mean_Width"
[13] "Mean_Depth" "Alkalinity"
[15] "Boulder_Cobbles" "Pebbles_Gravel"
[17] "Sand" "Silt_Clay"
[19] "Hardness" "Calcium"
[21] "Conductivity" "Spr_Season_ID"
[23] "Spr_TL2_WHPT_ASPT (AbW,DistFam)" "Spr_TL2_WHPT_NTaxa (AbW,DistFam)"
[25] "Spr_Ntaxa_Bias" "Sum_Season_ID"
[27] "Sum_TL2_WHPT_ASPT (AbW,DistFam)" "Sum_TL2_WHPT_NTaxa (AbW,DistFam)"
[29] "Sum_Ntaxa_Bias" "Aut_Season_ID"
[31] "Aut_TL2_WHPT_ASPT (AbW,DistFam)" "Aut_TL2_WHPT_NTaxa (AbW,DistFam)"
[33] "Aut_Ntaxa_Bias"
1 11 TST-NI-11-R 2018 ---
2 15 TST-NI-03-D 2018 ---
3 16 TST-NI-04-D 2018 ---
4 17 TST-NI-05-D 2018 ---
5 23 TST-NI-11-D 2018 ---
6 3 TST-NI-03-R 2018 ---
7 4 TST-NI-04-R 2018 ---
8 5 TST-NI-05-R 2018 ---
1 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2233002776773, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
2 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2015356650978, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
3 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2255867691652, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
4 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2082654209923, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
5 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2233002776773, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
6 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2015356650978, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
7 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2255867691652, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
8 You provided LATITUDE: 55.2082654209923, max value used to train model: 55.1995835.
1 ---
2 ---
3 ---
4 ---
5 ---
6 ---
7 ---
8 ---
1 TST-NI-01-R 2018 Waterbody name 99.34 0.66
2 TST-NI-02-R 2018 Waterbody name 2.84 30.77
3 TST-NI-03-R 2018 Waterbody name 88.03 11.6
4 TST-NI-04-R 2018 Waterbody name 99.85 0.15
M_NTAXA_spr_aut ...
1 0 ...
2 55.33 ...
3 0.37 ...
4 0 ...
[1] "SITE" "YEAR"
[3] "WATERBODY" "H_NTAXA_spr_aut"
[5] "G_NTAXA_spr_aut" "M_NTAXA_spr_aut"
[7] "P_NTAXA_spr_aut" "B_NTAXA_spr_aut"
[9] "mostProb_NTAXA_spr_aut" "NTAXA_aver_spr_aut"
[11] "H_ASPT_spr_aut" "G_ASPT_spr_aut"
[13] "M_ASPT_spr_aut" "P_ASPT_spr_aut"
[15] "B_ASPT_spr_aut" "mostProb_ASPT_spr_aut"
[17] "ASPT_aver_spr_aut" "mintawhpt_spr_aut_H_MINTA_"
[19] "mintawhpt_spr_aut_G_MINTA_" "mintawhpt_spr_aut_M_MINTA_"
[21] "mintawhpt_spr_aut_P_MINTA_" "mintawhpt_spr_aut_B_MINTA_"
[23] "mintawhpt_spr_aut_mostProb_MINTA_"