Import data from web services and convert into standard format for `hera` regulatory assessment tool.
location_id = NULL,
take = 10000,
date_from = NULL,
date_to = NULL,
dataset = "analytical_results",
year = NULL,
water_body_id = "",
source = "sepa"
- location_id
Unique ID of location.
- take
Number of observation to download. For "ea" API services.
- date_from
Start of date taken window in string format: "2013-12-31".
- date_to
End of date taken window in string format: "2015-12-31".
- dataset
Default will get Ecology monitoring data, set to "replocs" to represent location data for SEPA
- year
Classification year
- water_body_id
Water body ID used for replocs table queries.
- source
Which data source, either "ea" or "sepa". SEPA is internal access only.