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This document has been created following the generic assessment guidance.


Basic details about the assessment. Update the ‘response’ values as required.

question response
name_short MPFF Compliance
name_long Marine Pen Fish farm Compliance
parameter Marine Benthic Inverts
status prototype
type compliance


A list of questions required to run the assessment.

question response
Site Name South Cava
Permit CAR/L/1072725
Responsible person Chris Webb
Operator (if different from above) Cooke Aquaculture Scotland
Maximum licensed biomass (tonnes) 2500
Date site stocked 44421
Peak biomass during growing cycle (tonnes) 2344
Date peak biomass first reached 44602
Date when biomass reduced to 75% of peak biomass 44658
Date of survey (start date) 44672
Date of survey (finish date) 44673
Biomass on site at time of survey (tonnes) 1485
If fallow, date fish last on site NA
Site centre Easting 333270
Site centre Northing 9333270
Number of pens 16
Number of pens stocked at time of survey 14
Pen dimension 120m
Pen configuraton 8 x 2
Surveyed by Cooke Aquaculture Scotland
Comments (any relevant information) Organic matter results for mps stations are given in “TOC” boxes - NOTE these are %LOI and not TOC figures
Fauna Biotikos
Carbon Peatfield Scientific
Particle Size Peatfield Scientific
Residues NA
Report By Inga Williamson
Report Date 44775
Authorised By Inga Williamson
Authorised date 44775
Description (unprotected cell - can be edited) SW0
Easting 333031
Northing 998594
Depth (m) 28.3
Date sampled (dd/mm/yy) 44672
Time sampled (hh:mm) 0.4513888888888889
Parmeters sampled: Fauna (Yes/No) Yes
Carbon (Yes/No) No
Particle Size (Yes/No) Yes
Emamectin Benzoate Residues (Yes/No) No
Parmeters sampled: Fauna (Yes/No) NA
Distance from cages (m) 506
Direction from cages (deg) SW - 222
Description SW0
Depth 28.3
Date sampled 44672
% Grab filled 70
Grab size 4.4999999999999998E-2
Colour Dark brown
Consistency/Texture Fine sand, silt
Surface smell (Yes/No) No
Fungus (Yes/No) No
% < 0.063mm 3.2727170993733208
% 0.125-0.063mm 16.226359668755592
% 0.25-0.125mm 51.504168531781552
% 0.5 - 0.25mm 20.387057967770811
% 1 - 0.5mm 3.5312220232766336
% 2 - 1mm 2.2896150402864812
% 4 - 2mm 2.3059814234556848
% 8 - 4mm 0.48287824529991036
% > 8mm 0
Degree of sorting Moderately Sorted
Degree of skewness Coarse Skewed
Degree of kurtosis Very Leptokurtic
Folk Triangle Slightly Gravelly Sand
Number of taxa (S) 5
Abundance (N) 1357
Magalef’s Richness (d) 0.55455184291975967
Pielou’s Evenness (J) 0.25807116764664573
S-Wiener Diversity H’log 2 0.59922269463913325
Number of Enrichment Polychaete Species 2
Abundance of Enrichment Polychaetes (m2) 1555.5555555555557
ITI 0.24723655121592003
IQI 0.34918566141370255
Replicate 1 (see note 1 below) NA
Replicate 2 (see note 1 below) NA
Replicate 3 (see note 1 below) NA
Mean (see note 1 below) NA
Number of replicates 2
MCS Code A
comment NA
Taxon abundance 0
Transect 2 Species Abundance Matrix A
Transect 3 Species Abundance Matrix A
Transect 4 Species Abundance Matrix A
Transect 5 Species Abundance Matrix MCS Code (optional)
Transect 6 Species Abundance Matrix MCS Code (optional)
Additional Stations Species Abundance Matrix A


If applicable, write a function to assess your input data and return an outcome. For example, a metric, statistic, prediction etc.

assessment_function <- function(data, ...) {
  data <- dplyr::filter(data, parameter == "MPFF Compliance")
  if (nrow(data) > 0) {
    results <- kraken::kraken(data, hera_format = TRUE, loess = TRUE)
  } else {



The outcome of your assessment.

question response
stationNumber Compliant: Min. number of stations have been taken (8)
twoConsecutiveStations Compliant: 2 consecutive stations at Good are returned
breachDistanceBestFit 97
breachLongitude -3.16422049321529
breachLatitude 58.8689019638222
area_95_confidence 147643.06981096
package_date 2025-01-24
IQI 0.349185661413703
Easting 333031
Northing 998594
MCFF_Transect South Cava - 1
Longitude -3.16298523772361
Latitude 58.8694927035989
Bearing -132.717722103408
Distance 0
Number of stations per transect 8
WFD status Poor
ellipse object
polygon object
spotfire_polygon object
breachPositionEnsemble NA
map NA
model_info NA
ellipse_warnings NA
geoDf NA
Median distance to Good (m) NA


Run checks on the assessment.

#> Test passed 🎊
#> Test passed 🎊
check value
standard_names TRUE
standard_required TRUE
standard_required_values TRUE


Update the catalogue of assessments to make them available.

#>  Setting active project to "/home/runner/work/hera/hera".
#>  Saving "catalogue" to "data/catalogue.rda".
#>  Document your data (see <>).

After updating the catalogue, rebuild the package, click on Build > Install and Restart menu or ‘Install and Restart’ button in the Build pane.


This section tests if this assessment is usable using assessment function.

Launch app

Below is an interactive application displaying the results of your assessment.