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This document has been created following the generic assessment guidance.


Basic details about the assessment. Update the ‘response’ values as required.

question response
name_short DARLEQ3
name_long UKTAG River Assessment Method Macrophytes and Phytobenthos
parameter River Diatoms
status prototype
type metric


A list of questions required to run the assessment. Optional ‘alkalinity’ column can be included to provide a pre-calculated mean alkalinity. If ‘alkalinity’ column not included, alkalinity will be calculated from rows with ‘alkalinity’ question using the response column value.

#> # A tibble: 8 × 9
#>   question   response label parameter data_type max   min   source question_type
#>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr> <chr>     <chr>     <lgl> <lgl> <chr>  <chr>        
#> 1 location_… 8175     Gomp… NA        character NA    NA    sepa_… reference    
#> 2 sample_id  1        NA    NA        character NA    NA    sepa_… reference    
#> 3 date_taken 2021-05… NA    NA        character NA    NA    sepa_… reference    
#> 4 Taxon abu… 12       NA    NA        number    NA    NA    sepa_… observation  
#> 5 parameter  45       NA    NA        number    NA    NA    locat… reference    
#> 6 Alkalinity River D… NA    River Di… character NA    NA    sepa_… predictor    
#> 7 TDI4       45       NA    NA        number    NA    NA    sepa_… outcome      
#> 8 Predicted… 67       NA    NA        number    NA    NA    sepa_… outcome
question response
Taxon abundance 12
Alkalinity 45


Function code used to assess your input data and return an outcome.

assessment_function <- function(data, metric = "TDI5LM") {
  # Get alkalinity predictor if not present...
  if (!any(names(data) %in% "alkalinity")) {
    # predictor table for alkalinity if "chemistry_site" variable
    predictors <- utils::read.csv(
        package = "hera"
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE
    predictors$location_id <- as.character(predictors$location_id)
     predictors$date <- as.Date(predictors$date)
    predictors <- arrange(predictors, dplyr::desc(date))
    if (!any(names(data) %in% "chemistry_site")) {
      data <- left_join(data, predictors, by = c("location_id"),
                        multiple = "first")

    if (!any(names(data) %in% c("alkalinity"))) {
      message("calculating alklainity...")
      alk <- hera:::mean_alkalinity(data)
      data$alkalinity <- NULL
      data <- inner_join(data, alk, by = join_by("sample_id" == "sample_number"))
  data <- filter(data, question == "Taxon abundance" &
    parameter == "River Diatoms")
  data$response <- as.numeric(data$response)
  data$alkalinity[$alkalinity)] <- 75

  data$alkalinity <- as.numeric(data$alkalinity)
  # Combine mean alkalinity with other site headers
  header <- data %>%
      "SampleID" = as.factor(sample_id),
      "DATE_TAKEN" = as.Date(date_taken, tz = "GB")
    ) %>%
      "SiteID" = "location_id",
      "SAMPLE_DATE" = "date_taken",
      "Alkalinity" = "alkalinity"
    ) %>%

  # Loch samples also require an Alkalinity 'type';
  # 'HA' - High Alkalninty etc
  # This will be ignored if running river classification
  header$lake_TYPE <- NA
  header$lake_TYPE[header$Alkalinity > 50] <- "HA"
  header$lake_TYPE[header$Alkalinity >= 10 &
    header$Alkalinity <= 50] <- "MA"
  header$lake_TYPE[header$Alkalinity < 10] <- "LA"

  header$SiteID <- as.character(header$SiteID)
  ## Important: Arrange to match order of 'diatom_data' data frame.
  header <- arrange(header, SampleID)

  # Prepare dataframe of 'diatom_data' -------------------------------
  # Include columns for each diatom ID (from NEMS Dares table)
  # responses are abundances.
  # dataframe row.names are SAMPLE_NUMBER.

  # DARES table
  # - must use table from NEMS - this links TAXON to TAXONLD code
  dares_table <- darleq3::darleq3_taxa
  # Filter for taxon abundance only
  diatom_taxon_abundance <- data %>%
    filter(question == "taxon abundance" |
      question == "Taxon abundance")

  # Trim whitespace in Taxon name to help join.
  diatom_taxon_abundance$label <- trimws(diatom_taxon_abundance$label)
  dares_table$TaxonNameSEPA <- trimws(dares_table$TaxonNameSEPA)
  # Join to S_TAXON_DARES table using Taxon name.
  if (any(names(diatom_taxon_abundance) %in% c("taxon_ids"))) {
    diatom_taxonname <- diatom_taxon_abundance %>%
      ) %>%
      inner_join(dares_table[, c("TaxonName", "TaxonId", "TaxonNameSEPA")],
        by = c("taxon_ids" = "TaxonId")
    diatom_taxonname$TaxonId <- diatom_taxonname$taxon_ids
  } else {
    diatom_taxonname <- diatom_taxon_abundance %>%
      ) %>%
      inner_join(dares_table[, c("TaxonName", "TaxonId", "TaxonNameSEPA")],
        by = c("label" = "TaxonNameSEPA")
  # Make sure numeric
  diatom_taxonname$response <-
  # Sum response if duplicate taxon names entered within a single sample
  diatom_tidied <- diatom_taxonname %>%
    group_by(sample_id, TaxonId, label, date_taken) %>%
    summarise(response = sum(response, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop")

  # Arrange to keep in same order as 'taxon_names' data.frame
  diatom_tidied <- diatom_tidied %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(label) %>%

  # DARLEQ3 requires Taxon IDs and responses pivoted into wide format
  diatom_data <- diatom_tidied %>% pivot_wider(
    names_from = TaxonId,
    values_from = response,
  diatom_data[] <- 0

  # Arrange by sampled_date to match order of 'header' data frame.
  diatom_data <- arrange(diatom_data, sample_id)
  # darleq3 requires row.names equal SAMPLE_NUMBER. Must convert
  # to be data.frame first (row.names deprecated on tibble).
  diatom_data <- data.frame(diatom_data, check.names = FALSE)
  row.names(diatom_data) <- diatom_data$sample_id
  diatom_data <- select(diatom_data, -"sample_id", -"date_taken")

  # Prepare dataframe of 'taxon_names'  ------------------------------
  # include columns 'TaxonCode','TaxonName'
  taxon_names <- diatom_taxonname %>%
      "TaxonCode" = "TaxonId",
      "TaxonName" = "TaxonName"
    ) %>%
  taxon_names <- arrange(taxon_names, TaxonName)

  # Combine dataframes into named list ------------------------
  header <- data.frame(header)
  header <- header[header$SampleID %in% row.names(diatom_data), ]
  header <- header[!duplicated(header$SampleID), ]
  row.names(header) <- header$SampleID
  header$SampleID <- as.character(header$SampleID)
  header$SAMPLE_DATE <- as.Date(header$SAMPLE_DATE)
  output <- darleq3::calc_Metric(diatom_data, metric)
  output <- darleq3::calc_EQR(output,
    truncate_EQR = TRUE,
    verbose = TRUE

  sample <- output$EQR
  sample <- sample %>% mutate_all(as.character)
  sample <- pivot_longer(sample,
    cols = c(-SampleID, -SiteID, -SAMPLE_DATE),
    names_to = "question",
    values_to = "response"
  sample <- select(sample, -"SAMPLE_DATE")
  names(sample) <- c("sample_id", "location_id", "question", "response")

  location <- output$Uncertainty
  location <- location %>% mutate_all(as.character)
  location <- pivot_longer(location,
    cols = c(-SiteID),
    names_to = "question",
    values_to = "response"
  names(location) <- c("location_id", "question", "response")
  results <- bind_rows(sample, location)
  results$parameter <- "Phytobenthos (diatoms)"
  results <- mutate(results,
    question = ifelse(question == "WFDClass",

  years <- data %>%
    mutate("year" = lubridate::year(date_taken)) %>%
    filter(parameter == "River Diatoms") %>%
    group_by(location_id) %>%
    summarise("response" = paste(unique(.$year), collapse = ","))

  years$question <- "Years included"
  years$parameter <- "Phytobenthos (diatoms)"
  results <- bind_rows(results, years)


The outcome of your assessment.

question response
Alkalinity 121.9125401
lake_TYPE HA
Total_count 12
Percent_in_TDI5LM 100
Max_TDI5LM 100
eTDI5LM 53.8155110499444
EQR_TDI5LM 0.86609164482163
Class_TDI5LM High
Motile 0
OrganicTolerant 0
Planktic 0
Saline 0
N 1
EQR 0.86609
Class High
CoCH 68.69
CoCG 24.38
CoCM 5.86
CoCP 1.01
CoCB 0.05
ROM 31.31
CoCHG 93.07
CoCMPB 6.93
ROM_GM 6.93
Years included 2019


Run checks on the assessment.

#> Test passed 🥇
#> Test passed 🎊
check value
standard_names TRUE
standard_required TRUE
standard_required_values TRUE


Update the catalogue of assessments to make them available.

#>  Setting active project to "/home/runner/work/hera/hera".
#>  Saving "catalogue" to "data/catalogue.rda".
#>  Document your data (see <>).


This section tests if this assessment is usable using assessment function.

#> Hello from hera, in progress!
#> Hello from hera, in progress!
#> Warning in CPL_crs_from_input(x): GDAL Message 1: +init=epsg:XXXX syntax is
#> deprecated. It might return a CRS with a non-EPSG compliant axis order.
#> # A tibble: 237 × 5
#>    sample_id location_id question          response          parameter          
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <chr>             <chr>             <chr>              
#>  1 1250462   8175        Alkalinity        121.9125401       Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  2 1250462   8175        lake_TYPE         HA                Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  3 1250462   8175        Total_count       312               Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  4 1250462   8175        Percent_in_TDI5LM 99.3589743589744  Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  5 1250462   8175        N_TDI5LM          37                Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  6 1250462   8175        N2_TDI5LM         11.09             Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  7 1250462   8175        Max_TDI5LM        20.51             Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  8 1250462   8175        TDI5LM            64.258064516129   Phytobenthos (diat…
#>  9 1250462   8175        eTDI5LM           53.8155110499444  Phytobenthos (diat…
#> 10 1250462   8175        EQR_TDI5LM        0.619115833846688 Phytobenthos (diat…
#> # ℹ 227 more rows

Launch app

Below is an interactive application displaying the results of your assessment.